MD PhD Associate Professor Jan Astermark, Skåne University Hospital, Sweden "For his work on the Malmö International Brother Study (MIBS)"
MD PhD Professor Stefan Lethagen, Skåne University Hospital, Sweden
“For his work in von Willebrand disease”
PhD Karin Lundin, Kliniskt Forskningscentrum, Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden ”For research aimed at improving non-viral gene transfer for treatment of hemophilia A”
Professor Olga P Plyushch, Hemophilia Department, Moscow, and Dr Tatjaana Andreeva, St Petersburg Hemophilia Center, Russia
"For their efforts in developing the hemophilia care in Russia."
Pharm Dr Oscar Simonsson, Clinical research center, Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden "For research in new strategies for transferring genes to the liver
Physiotherapist Elisabeth Brodin, Sahlgrenska University hospital, Sweden "For adapting the Dutch Hemophilia Activity List to Swedish environment"
MD PhD Eva Zetterberg och MD, PhD Margareta Holmström, Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden "For research into how severe Joint damage can be prohibited"
Registrered nurse Petra Elfvinge, Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden "For research into the Quality of Life for Women with severe menstrual bleeding"
PhD Docent Docent Bob Olsson, Dept. of Neuroscience and Physiology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden "For research to clarify the mechanism behind the development of ITP (idiopatisk trombocytopen purpura)"
Docent Madeleine Durbeej-Hjalts, Institute of muscular biology, Lund University, Sweden "For research using innovative gene therapy to treat muscular diseases with future opportunities of transferring the technology to the Hemophilia care."
PhD Karin Lundin, Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden "For studies of repairing abnormal mRNA in cells from patients with genetic disorders."
MD PhD Ulf Tedgård, Skåne University Hospital, Sweden "For studies of the quality of life of carriers of hemophilia."
PhD Felicitas Muller, Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden "For studies focused on a new substance (polyP) for treating bleeds in hemophilia."
Hemofilikoordinator Karin Lindvall, Skåne University Hospital, Sweden "For research in Quality of Life and knowledge of hemophilia among patients and next of kin."
PhD Margareta Jernås, Sahlgrenska University hospital, Sweden "For studies of molecular mechanisms and biomarkers with ITP."
PhD Hadi Valadi, Institute of Medicine, University of Gothenburg, Sweden "For studies of of gene transmission mediated by exosomes."
MD PhD Jenny Klintman, Skåne University Hospital, Sweden "For developing a sensitive method for measuring all types of antibodies relevant to hemophilia and other genetically related coagulation disorders"
Professor Rolf Ljung, Lund University, Sweden "For mapping genetical alterations relevant for the development of hemophilia and related antibodies
MD PhD Roza Chaireti, Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden "For developing global hemostatic methods as a way of measuring treatment effect after administration of bypassing agents to patients with hemophilia and inhibitor"
MD PhD Nadine Gretenkort, Skåne University Hospital, Sweden "For studies of intracranial bleeding in hemophilia A and B, with focus on the neonatal period, moderate type of hemophilia and inhibitors"
Physiotherapist Elisabeth Brodin, Sahlgrenska University hospital
"For studying activity and participation of people wih hemophilia".
PhD Annika Mårtensson,
Skåne University Hospital, Sweden
The orgin of mutation in sporadic haemophilia B
Magnus Aspdahl,
Astrid Lindgrens Barnsjukhus, Sweden
Comparison of joint status in children with haemophilia A with ultrasound and physical examination -A Follow-up Study
Professor Petter Höglund,
Centrum för Hematologi och Regenerativ Medicin (HERM) i Huddinge.
Kan NK-celler bidra till trombocytopeni vid ITP?
Iva Pruner PhD,
Karolinska Institutet and University Hospital.
In vitro assessment of secondary hemostasis in patients with von Willebrand disease- fibrin clot architecture and protein composition as novel physiological biomarkers
Professor Jan Astermark
Lunds university, Skåne University Hospital, Sweden
Genetic aspects of tolerization and the outcome of immune tolerance induction (ITI) therapy in patients with hemophilia A.
Docent, överläkare Eva Zetterberg
Skånes Universitetssjukhus
Genetic Screening of Patients with Immune Thrombocytopenia for Correct Diagnostics and Prediction of Bleeding
MD PhD, docent Nadine Gretenkort Andersson
Skånes Universitetsjukhus
Genetiska studier av hemofili A och B – inhibitorer och ITI
St-läkare David Schmidt
Karolinska Universitetsjukhus
Vård av blödningssjukdomar: Personlig diagnostik och behandling.